Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Is this a good name for a main character?

Mara Quirly.

I know it sounds kinda odd but I love it. And the girl is kinda odd, it's kinda hard to understand, here's the beginning

It’s hard to say exactly what it was about Mara Quirly that made her parents so uneasy. It was probably a lot of things, all jumbled in to one confused mess. It was partly the way her huge periwinkle eyes seemed to see inside of you when she looked at you, and partly the way that when she got lost in thought, which happened quite often, the expression on her face had a way of telling you that she wasn’t just foolishly daydreaming. And of course there was the way that when she had been a baby, she hadn’t sat and cried and wailed like the other babies in the nursery, but had just lain there, her huge eyes wide open, and stared. Not moving, just looking at something as ordinary as a wall or a cheap watercolor painting as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I have no more room, but if anyone would like to hear more, send me a message!!

Is this a good name for a main character?
wow thats way good what is the book going to be about? but ya seriously i love it
Reply:I dunno about the name, but I love it. You really catch the reader when you talk about how she her eyes sort of see beyond the outside. i liked it but the structure was a bit confusing. i struggle with that too.
Reply:uh..its alright. the 'q' sound is really harsh with such a short first name. either try a longer first name, or a different last one. otherwise, it sounds a little...comical...(for lack of a better word choice)
Reply:Yes, I think Mara Quirly is a good name for your main character.

May I suggest Nora Quirly or Vera Quirly?

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