Friday, November 13, 2009

Periwinkle Pub, Coombs, Vancouver Island, BC?

looking for more information abt this Pub/Resaraunt, especially an address! :p considering a job there. i live in Nanaimo, want to know exactly how far this place is from the city. search engines come up blank, so they don't have a website neither... :p could (and will) phone them but want to see if i can get info from other sources first.


Periwinkle Pub, Coombs, Vancouver Island, BC?
to obtain more info try going to if they have a phone number they should be listed there, if you are looking for a job there then go one step further call the BBB better Business Bourgh its free info once you kow there phone and see what complaints if any they have against them. good luck and hopefully i gave you some good advice.


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